Sunday, May 28, 2006

Q: What sparked your shift from writing and recording into album-producing and film-scoring?

A: Buckminster Fuller talked about the idea of committing theoretical suicide. Instead of really killing yourself, why not end what you're doing and get into a whole other world?
Q: The new album feels current, very dark but funny, especially on songs like "Palestine Texas," "Zombie Land" and "Fear Country." I love that line, "They don't make imposters like John Wayne anymore." Should we laugh or cry? And how recent is this work?

A: It's meant as a sonic Rorschach test. I'm really curious about the way people react to this place where comedy and tragedy collide. There are gags in almost every line. Actually, I started writing this stuff 10 years ago. And the retrospect has been in the works for the last couple of years. It seems I've always written about how it feels to be alive where we are now. I feel like we've come to the culmination of a really dark place.

Friday, May 26, 2006

These are the things that people who are in better situations tell themselves so that they don't feel guilty about the fact that there are other people who HAVE tried and have failed repeatedly simply due to the negative aspects of competition.
"The insurgents have been forced to pass things by word of mouth, rather than use more modern, more effective technologies. This should help disrupt the coordination and pace of their attacks. Attacking a convoy when you've got to send the message via pony express is a hell of a lot more difficult than just calling your buddy with a mortar up the road."

Tell me something, if you lived in a dense, urban area your entire life and it was suddenly under occupation - would you really find it all that difficult to network with your associates in a face to face manner? Aside from the chance that you'll get hit by a random explosion directed towards American forces, I don't think you'd find much trouble. What if you had half of your family ziptied and carried off to interrogation for no apparent reason the month prior? Might motivate you a little bit to overcome your technical dependence, of which I'm sure the Iraqis had little to begin with. Think outside the box, buddy - the article already shattered it.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Andrew Bacevich is a man on a journey -- as he himself is the first to admit. A cultural conservative, a former contributor to such magazines as the Weekly Standard and the National Review, a former Bush Fellow at the American Academy in Berlin, he discovered sometime in the 1990s that his potential conservative allies on foreign policy had fallen in love with the idea of the American military and its imagined awesome power to change the world. They had jumped the tracks and left him behind. A professed cold warrior, in those years he took a new look at our American past -- and he's not stopped looking, or reconsidering, since.
If we ask what it is [Orwell] stands for, what he is the figure of, the answer is: the virtue of not being a genius, of fronting the world with nothing more than one's simple, direct, undeceived intelligence, and a respect for the powers one does have, and the work one undertakes to do.... He is not a genius--what a relief! What an encouragement. For he communicates to us the sense that what he has done, any one of us could do.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Nietzsche united the concepts of work and play when he wrote, "A man's maturity consists in having found again the seriousness one had as a child at play." This could stand as every artist's credo, and indeed, one could argue that the slacker's dream of a full life is really the dream -- alluring, but not easy to achieve -- of living like an artist.
Why was Lutz so angry at Cody? The answer, Lutz says, "had to do with my own twisted relation to work, a pathology I share with many people of both my own and my father's and son's generations." Lutz's central quandary is that he can never decide if he is working too hard or not hard enough. Of course, this is really a question about what work itself is, and what it should be. "I, for one, see myself in completely contradictory ways: insufficiently socialized into good work habits and attitudes and, at the same time, overly socialized, overly concerned with my work, my success, my status, my accomplishments or lack thereof. I am convinced, and not without good evidence, that I am astoundingly lazy."

Monday, May 22, 2006

Have you ever been in a work environment that was so poisoned that no one gave a shit? At all? That's the way the Bush Administration strikes me. No one appears the least bit motivated to move a single muscle they don't absolutely have to. On top of this, it's well established by supporters and detractors that Bush's administration is the most overly-scripted one in history. If it's not in the script then everyone (including Bush himself) is completely and totally at a loss. With no one yelling in their ear at that very moment, I'm not surprised at all that people — including Bush — basically sat around twiddling their thumbs.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

What a fascinating animal we must be to watch.
I don’t think we can remove ourselves from being human enough to really appreciate the absurdity that is us. I think I’m aware of it to a certain extent, but then again I’m just as retarded as everyone else is. It’s like I have moments of complete clarity, surrounded by periods in time where I’m yelling at some shitty driver. Alone, in my car, the windows are up, he can’t even hear me, and I’m in my car yelling at the top of my lungs “You dumb motherfucker!!” Without fail, every time I do something like that, as soon as I do it, I sit around going, “What the fuck is wrong with me? What kind of retard am I for freaking out about something that stupid?” I mean, there are some really important things to focus on in this short life, and the guy in front of you that doesn’t have the balls to merge isn’t one of them. It should mean absolutely nothing to me, but here I am sitting in traffic allowing myself to get worked up.
Now, as I get older and hopefully wiser, I notice that these moments of personal retardation are becoming much smaller and much less frequent, but the point is that they’re still there.
I think I can appreciate my own folly as much as the next guy, but in the end we’re all just people, and this is what we’re used to, as much as you can try to separate yourself so that you can look at it like an objective bystander, you really can’t.
Humans are so ridiculous that it’s beyond reason.
Reality is more fucked up than bad fiction.
The idea is that some of the apes never ate the mushrooms, and never figured it out. They stayed in the jungle, while our ancestors evolved into the lofty position we find ourselves in today, standing in front of these caged chimps, trying to figure out how the fuck this all happened.
I often wonder if our idea that it’s impossible to figure out the past is kind of along the same lines as a cave man thinking that it’s impossible to get on the internet with your cell phone. Maybe it’s just beyond our current level of understanding.
Maybe with new discoveries and new advancements in science and technology, we’ll someday realize that everything we see is a code. That the whole universe is a giant mathematical program that can be read if you understand it.
A code that contains all the necessary information for us to read it once we understand it, and we can look into it and have the answers to the origins of everything from the big bang, to the emergence of biological life, to the why people like pro wrestling.

I think with some people it wouldn’t even matter. They want to believe what they want to believe, and all the evidence in the world isn’t going to change that.

“I didn’t come from some drug addict monkey!”

Are you sure?
Terence McKenna believed that it was because some of the apes discovered and started eating psilocybin mushrooms. It was his theory that as the climate changed, and the rain forest receded into grasslands, some of the apes started eating these mushrooms as a regular part of their diet, and along the way they developed new ways of thinking.
If you’ve ever done mushrooms, then you probably know some of the logic behind his theory.
At low doses, psilocybin actually increases visual acuity, and makes you horny.
An increase in visual acuity would make you a more effective hunter, and the horniness of course would cause you to breed more often.
What these mushrooms do at high doses is that they give you a completely different way of looking at the world. Like a giant pause button that allows you to step out of a scene, and take a fresh look at it, free from the constraints of normal patterns of thinking, and even your own preconceived notions of yourself.
You can achieve some fascinating revelations when you’re on them.
So what you would have if our ancestors started eating these things on a regular basis, is a bunch of really aware, thinking, horny apes that can see really well.
Now, I’m no scientist, but that sounds like a recipe for evolution to me.
Who knows whether he was right with this theory or not, but we do know that the evolution of the human animal is the most puzzling thing in all of nature.
The greatest mystery in the entire fossil record, without question, is the doubling in size of the human brain over a period of 2,000,000 years.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

We all compromise our freedom to our society to some extent to protect ourselves from authority.
You say this as if these women have a choice in the matter. They clearly don't. Of course women are brainwashed to buy into the system into which they are born, this is true of all societies in all parts of the world. Some women, in the spirit of game theory, do despicable things to other women in order to better their condition within a flawed system but that does not mean that they are at fault for the creation of the system in the first place. A woman didn't come up with repressing women, that was dreamed up and implemented by men who continue to enforce the system with great violence.

A woman in isolation cannot overthrow this system so what sense is there in individual women conducting individual acts of defiance? What good will it do for a woman in Peshwar to go around public along and unveiled? The only result is a woman who's been subjected to violence and a system that remains unchanged. Thus, as women are kept in perpetual isolation, the only actions which make sense for her are actions that go along with or reenforce that system.
t's no accident, and it's not limited to women. Throughout history, the fruits of what we call civilization such as all that esteemed Greek learning would never have been possible under a just economic system. How can a large group of men have the time and energy to come up with grand philosophies and other works of art without unjustly appropriating the surpluses produced by the labor of cohorts of coerced women and slaves? Aristocrats are only able to be idle because they feed parasitically on the induced labor of others. I don't see why this should be celebrated though, as Bertrand Russell said of the leisure class, "The class might produce one Darwin, but against him had to be set tens of thousands of country gentlemen who never thought of anything more intelligent than fox-hunting and punishing poachers." So, if enlightenment and achievement are our goals, why not strive for a society where leisure is spread out more equally among all people, including women, so that the creative energies of all of society are unleashed, rather than depending on a select few men who acquire their station in life through the most morally repugnant means? We can have a stable society without slavery, though slavery can be very stable.
On page after page, in stories, photographs and advertisements, Africans are presented as pathetic victims, often children. No Africans write about Africa. Only one is presented in an interview as having any agency at all, Nigerian finance minister Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala. It is remarkable that even for the sake of appearances Bono is incapable of hiding his essential paternalism.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


MAY 15, 2006. Here is another backgrounder for my ongoing workshop, THE TRANSFORMATIONS. Click on link above for details, and to sign up. The response has been huge. When you sign up, you'll automatically get all 3 sessions on mp3 files and you can attend the remaining live calls.
Without the driving need to have a big daddy and mommy calling the shots and offering protection, there would be no parental state. It would fall apart.

But many people want to create and sustain the fiction that the government is daddy and mommy, so they give in, they surrender, they hope for the best.

That's one of the things George Orwell was pointing out in the final passages of his novel, 1984. It's not enough to confess imaginary crimes to the ruler. You have to come to LOVE the ruler. And obviously that love is not between equals. It's like the love of a child for a parent (or a big brother).

On the level of manifestation, this is like saying, "I don't really know what I want. I'll leave that issue to higher powers and higher blueprints of Reality. They know the score. I'm just a pawn in their game, and the best thing I can do is clear out the static in my radio channel so I can receive a clear broadcast of what I'm supposed to do. I await cosmic orders from Mommy and Daddy..."

The ultimate kicker here is: you DO know what you want. You know what you want apart from any consideration of these vaporous parents. And if you don't admit it or find out what you desire, you forever perform a substitution of what "they want you to want."

The result?

Loss of energy.

Why? Because, regardless of how well you fool yourself, you can't summon up a whole lot of energy to carry out someone else's mission. Not over the long term. The real energy comes from carrying out your own.

When you do the manifestation exercises I offer in this workshop, you are essentially creating a new space(s). A space that never existed before. That's right. NEVER EXISTED BEFORE.

I don't care what desire you are pursuing on what level: you are creating a space that never, ever existed before. It's yours. It's not anybody else's.

That simple and formidable breakthrough lights a spark. Suddenly, you are in the driver's seat. You're at the helm.

People tend to call this magic, and it is. But to most people, magic is an esoteric item, something that comes in to us from the outside. Creating a new space is actually very natural, as natural as breathing.

When you create new spaces through the act of manifesting what you desire, those spaces have an immediate effect on already-existing physical space. You could correctly say that physical space wants to join that party. Physical space is old. It tends to be a little stale. It's just sitting there. It's looking for renewal.

And you provide that. I'm giving you, here, a different look at what is called magnetic attraction. More properly understood, it's the eagerness of physical space to align itself with YOUR created space.

Here's something else. Space is a basic outcome. In other words, you don't really have to bring in all sorts of sub-atomic or Einsteinian concepts to analyze how space forms or functions.

When I started painting in 1960, I realized this. I was creating all sorts of spaces. And my life changed dramatically.

There is also an intersection with what is called paranormal. When you begin creating spaces through the act of manifesting what you want, you are outside this continuum. You are establishing your own beachhead. That's the foundation of everything paranormal. So if in the manifestation process you find that you can see things at great distances or see the future or influence events in your life in a new and powerful way, it's to be expected.

Every other kind of philosophy that's been handed down to us eventually leads to a form of fascism, because an assumption is made that all higher reality is already there, so to speak, and our job is to find it and salute it and follow it wherever it leads.

Some call this freedom. It's actually slavery.

But as Orwell pointed out, in the controlled society everything important is reversed. SLAVERY IS FREEDOM.


Slavery is slavery.

Freedom is freedom.

You are you.

You create.

It all starts from there.

I hope you'll join me in the workshop.


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Monday, May 15, 2006

That's something that is never mentioned - how much more widespread depression is because of this administration. Feeling powerless in the face of evil is very hard on people. I have colleagues in the medical field who talk about this all the time - though not about individuals of course - they say in the privacy of a doctor's office the despair comes out and the amount of suffering caused by this administration to ordinary people who fear for their country is astounding.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous!' And God granted it."
-- Voltaire, letter to Étienne-Noel Damilaville (May 16, 1767)
I think the guy probably had to dissociate himself from all of this in the way he has done. An enormous current of historical electricity passed through him and he's unharmed. Kind of mystical.
When Colbert gets put up on a pedestal, it's got to be a bit unnerving for him.

Anthropologically speaking, people usually get put on a pedestal before human-sacrifice occurs. Observe how we call soldiers heroes before they're sent off to die. Also, consider the effect of of being popularly lionized on Kennedy, John Lennon and MLK.

The only way we can make him more at ease is by standing up ourselves, so his neck isn't sticking out so far above the rest of us.

Friday, May 12, 2006

I wonder if Nature is going to Hell for allowing 11 year old girls to be fertile.
So this guy goes to a doctor and says, "Doc, I need birth control for my 12 year old daughter."

The doctor, incredulous, says, "Your 12 year old daughter is sexually active?"

Guy says, "No. She just kind of lays there like her mother."

Thursday, May 11, 2006


MAY 11, 2006. Here is another backgrounder for my ongoing tele-workshop, THE TRANSFORMATIONS. Two sessions left: May 15 and May 22. If you click on the link above, you can get in on those two live calls AND get all three calls on mp3 files---so you'll have the whole workshop. All three sessions.
Below the surface of our culture, manifestation is taking place all the time. People are launching projects and businesses and products, and they are trying to hit the target and win customers.

And always, these people ask themselves, does it work? Is it working? Is it happening?

We have the recent release of Mission Impossible 3 and the press coverage of Cruise and the box office numbers and the defense of the movie and the attacks on the movie...

In a quite different fashion, we have the attempt to scare the planet into submission under the banner of a scientific hoax called bird flu. Is the hoax working? Are people frightened enough to submit to mandatory vaccinations?

It's all about manifestation at some level. Of course, these products and projects don't usually get down to core personal manifestation, in the way that pure imagination and creative power operate.

I must say this, though. In the commercial marketplace, the people who try to manifest their products through manufacturing, sales, and promotion do tend to notice that they are the ones who are carrying the load. Their success or failure rides on what they do, how clever they are, how much money they spend, how well their products work. In some cases (e.g., bird flu), how well they lie is the big issue.

However, when we swing over into individuals doing their own personal manifestations, there is a tendency to put the burden of proof on the method. On the system. On the techniques. As if the individual is exempt from accountability.

There are reasons for this attitude, but at bottom, it has to do with a basic confusion. People don't realize that they are supplying live energy to their own manifestations, and it is this live energy that carries the day.

As for the exercises that I teach in my workshops, they do work. Boy, do they work. They make the journey. They get to the far shore. People do the exercises, and they get what they truly want in their lives.

But always it is the person who is supplying the energy. This is not a stand-offish enterprise in which the person observes through the wrong end of a telescope. This is not a cold lab experiment.

The exercises I teach allow the person to harness and direct the energy in VERY specific ways. When that happens, results occur.

This is a hot activity, not a cool one.

Most of the population is completely unaware that they have this kind of energy. Or that they can literally invent this energy.

And yet...consider this. A person who goes about his life in a more or less ordinary way reads an ad. People are looking for a crew-member on a boat that is going to sail to Tahiti. Something clicks. The person answers the ad, and meets the captain and a deal is consummated. Suddenly this new crew member has all sorts of energy at his disposal. He's stoked. He's on fire. He's doing ten times the amount of work and prep he usually does in a 24-hour period.

Where does his energy come from?

What happened?

Forget some sort of bio-chem analysis. It all starts in his imagination. He sees the trip taking place, the open water, the waves, the sky, the island destination. He feels the delicious sense of adventure.

He doesn't know it, but he is inventing energy. Out of...nothing.

It's pure magic.

It happens all the time.

Every person can recall at least one moment like this in his life.

Well, when I give out these exercises, I'm offering a specific avenue along which a person can do this kind of manifesting every day. Consciously. On purpose. Directed toward attaining what he really wants.

Imagine. Create. When these triggers are pulled, the person begins to summon up and invent tons of energy. And sooner or later, he KNOWS he is inventing energy.

It's a whole new ballgame.

A transformation of great magnitude has taken place. The person was living his life and making efforts in this direction and that direction. But NOW the person is rising up above and beyond that level. He is consciously manifesting his future. Everything has changed. He is becoming more of what he is. What he once perceived as obstacles in the road are now like old useless vestiges of a former stage of evolution.

NOW he can create out along many different channels. He can see differently. He can, without even thinking about it, take unformed and even conflicting passions and upload all their energies and aim them at what he truly desires.

New life.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I seema a bit rich for the upper echelon of the Howard government to claim that Australia's current prosperity is due to their (the various minister's) good stewardship, when at inquiry after inquiry their defence has been that they have little first-hand knowledge of what is actualy going on in this country.

You can't have it both ways - it's either a hands-on government that is responsible for both the wins and the losses, or one where figureheads sit atop of the 'doers', with little accountability.
“We Can Be Heroes” was a brilliantly satirical take on the Australian identity, and possibly the best Australian television miniseries Ive ever seen. The DVD will be a must, and I have a feeling it will be riddled with extras like deleted scenes etc

The politcal/cultural climate in this country is rife for satire, and its creator has pulled out all the stops. The use of poignancy and genuine political issues helped add a compelling contrast to all the comedy, effectively complicating the characters and our relation to them, producing an interesting balance. Each episode was well written, well constructed and the spread of emotions across the series, as it built up to the finale was sheer dramatic/cinematic/satirical genius.

MAY 10, 2006. Here is another backgrounder for my ongoing telephone-workshop, THE TRANSFORMATIONS. Click on the link above for details, and to sign up. You can still get in on the next two live sessions, and you'll get access to mp3 files of all three sessions. The response has been very large, and continues.


I have posted this article before, and I've made changes to it several times, to increase the scope and reveal more about this artist.

I post it now to give an example of transformation in action. Paul Klee was one of those great spirits who transmuted everything he came in contact with---effortlessly. He didn't have to think about doing it. It was in his bones, his blood, his heart, his mind, his psyche: the act of transformation.

The poet e.e. cummings once wrote (I'm paraphrasing), there's a great universe next door; let's go. Klee went, every day of his life. He was not committed to one particular alternative. He invented them by the truckload. This, as opposed to organized religion, which invents ONE cosmic mural and tries to back everybody into a corner with it.

Klee never focused on developing a trademark style. He saw that as a limiter, a defection from the real joy of painting. He was a man who had many desires, recognized that fact, and manifested all of them.

He is one of those artists who, for me, changes radically, depending on what day of the week it is. On Mondays, I love him. On Tuesdays, he bores me completely. On Wednesdays, I admire him at a distance.

I have to say I know of no other artist who brings off such a diverse body of work with his degree of aplomb and ease. He exudes the sense of: "give me a small room, a pad of paper, a few colors, and close the door behind you."

That he was one of the giants who achieved a 20th-century revolution in art is not in dispute. He appeared to accomplish this from a position of already having arrived before he started. Yet, everything he did was by way of improvisation.

Critics downplay this last fact, because for them it amounts to cheating. Spontaneity is only permitted when there are many signs and stories of struggle. Klee avoided becoming enmeshed in struggle by working on a number of paintings at once. When he was finished for the moment with one, he moved to another, and so on, and kept revisiting the incomplete works and adding to them until he was satisfied.

He also committed the sin of being happy. His state of mind is clear from turning the pages in any book of his reproductions. However, you will also come across paintings that are very dark and strange, and once you are sucked into his basic domain of invented archetypes and (un)balancing acts, you will find yourself holding your breath now and then, wanting to move on away from ominous turnings of the screw.

Klee was what I would call a sane man. He knew how to begin, he knew how to end. He knew that the next painting was more important than the last. He didn't need self-pity, and he didn't care for outlandish praise.

Above all, a singular style was not his goal. He wasn't trying to be recognized for certain traits. He had found gold, and he kept mining. He realized that imagination is an infinitely forked river, and he needed no propulsive agenda to drive him forward. One, two, three strokes on a blank canvas and he was able to invent what could come next. Could was never should or must. It was all open, his spaces.

One of the great creative lives was lived by Klee.

He was not trying to solve a problem. Nor, as some have said, was he asking questions in his paintings.

Each small painting was a world unto itself.

Klee did not set out to do variations on themes in successive pictures.

He usually worked on five or six pictures at once, in order to retain that sense of spontaneity.

He never titled a painting until it was finished. Then he looked at it and thought up a name, which was sometimes laid on as a description, and sometimes given as a statement about what the picture was not.

Even Picasso, who reserved most praise for his own fabulous self as a matter of principle, once visited Klee in his studio and acknowledged the genius of another man. Through clenched teeth, no doubt.

For Klee, the blank canvas signaled the delicious unknown. He was very comfortably nowhere at that moment, and then as he painted, he was in a successive series of somewheres.

Kandinsky and Klee mark a point of demarcation for painting. It was not enough to alter the so-called real world. You could actually create a new world in every picture. A different new world. There were as many as you wanted to dream up.

Klee did not give credence to having a finished idea in his mind before starting a work. He was not transferring a picture in his mind to the canvas. He was inventing/discovering as he went along. In this, he was happy.

He was not trying to compete with engineering. He wasn’t running a factory where the plans for a highly complex object had to be laid out meticulously before construction got off the ground.

He could be very precise, and he could be imprecise. A world does not have to be precise.

Some say his work was too easy. It was too celebrative. It didn’t present some final vision. It lacked maturity. The emotions were too simple.

All these judgments are off the mark. They represent estimates of what Klee was not. What he was was marvelously direct. Is Mars too dry? Is Mercury too hot?

Do androids dream, as Phil Dick asked, of electric sheep? Do ants dream of balloons? Why not? And if so, why not paint that?

Paul Klee. 1879-1940. There is a little (out-of-print) book titled Klee, with a long, fascinating essay by Marcel Marnat. Publisher: Leon Amiel (1974). Many plates.

Several paintings I recommend: The Red Fish (1925); Head with Blue Tones (1933); 17IRR (1923).

I believe Klee was saying this: Here are several thousand worlds I just invented. Approach them with a free mind and heart. Glance at them from several different angles. Jump into their liquids, stand on their flat surfaces, lean from their precarious platforms. Serve them to yourself as appetizers or main courses. Let them pass through your digestive tract. Make faces to match their faces. Remove their masks; then you may find deeper shades or you may find nothing. Ponder how you invest your imagination in mine, and go away with a spark of self-recognition, not of the worlds themselves, but of what you have, what you can do, what you can invent. Our whole planet is a mask, and we can, if we change and evolve, take great delight in dreaming up new spaces and times.



MAY 10, 2006. The first session of my workshop, THE TRANSFORMATIONS, took place on Monday night, May 8. You can still sign up and get in on the two remaining live phone calls, and you will receive all three calls as mp3 files.
Here is a brief email from a workshop attendee. This man also took my last workshop, Mind Control, Mind Freedom, and has been doing the manifestation exercises for about a month:

"I am the most pleased with the streamlined effect these exercises are having on my life. A whole lot of dispersed energy is coming into focus and is now being funneled into my manifestation work.

"Because of this, every day is a voyage. I'm planning several important projects, and I can see how I'll execute them.

"At the same time, these projects (which I've been trying to get off the ground for several years) are taking on a quality of excitement I haven't felt in ages. It's not dry work. It's alive.

"I never thought of myself as an artist, but now I'm feeling that quality. I'm designing my future, and the design has power behind it. I didn't think this was possible.

"The whole thing is like a change in the weather, and I'm bringing that about.

"From this new perspective, I can see some of my past wrangles and procrastinations drying up and blowing away in the wind. They don't matter. They were all based on me not knowing how to manifest what I want. They were substitutes.

"Theoretically I knew that the process of getting to a goal could be at least as exciting as finally arriving, but now I'm experiencing that first-hand. Dreams I didn't even know I had are coming true.

"A long time ago, I read a book called The Importance of Living, by Lin Yutang. I believe you once mentioned it in an article you wrote. He says that the object of travel is to get lost. That always stuck with me for some reason. Recently, I realized why. It wasn't the getting lost part. It was the sense of adventure that statement implied. I feel that adventure as I do the manifestation exercises. I feel so far from the routine I used to be attached to. It's like discovering another world."

BOB ELLIS: The capacity of the great stand-up comedians is that they can get a great deal of life into one joke, you know, one new thought in the world – every joke is a new thought in the world. And the great humorists and the thinkers have this in common – they bring new thoughts in the world and I'm somewhere between the philosopher and the stand-up comedian.

GEORGE NEGUS: I've described you already tonight as a 'true believer'. What is it that you believe in?

BOB ELLIS: We bleeding hearts believe that it's wrong to kill people, it's wrong to torture people, it's wrong to hurt children. That's all we believe. But once you put it like that, it's impossible to believe anything else.


BOB ELLIS: And anyone who in journalism has experience, or who's travelled, winds up on the left. Uh, the right is a product of ignorance, or a kind of a sealed-off willed ignorance like that of the illiterate, alcoholic George Bush. It's not where civilised people go.

Monday, May 08, 2006


MAY 8, 2006. In various ways, many people have influenced the state of their health, in a positive direction, through the use of their imaginations. There is much "anecdotal" evidence that this is so.

However, the scientists, in their zeal for repeatable experiments, overlook an obvious fact. Exerting imagination-power is not the same thing as dropping a stone from a rooftop to establish the existence of gravity.

The stone behaves very predictably. People don't. Imagination-power is a capacity, like singing or running fast or hitting a baseball.

Not everyone does it at the same level. Everyone could improve his/her capacity to affect the body through the use of imagination, but everyone is not operating with the same power all the time.

More importantly, if a person can help heal his body through his imagination, why limit the effects of imagination to the body? Why say that the body is the only physical entity that can be changed in this way?

What about the future itself?

What about events that have not yet occurred?

Why should they be relegated to the impossible category, whereas the body is accepted as changeable by "mind power?"

Why put any limit on the potential power of the imagination?

And once you admit that this field IS wide open with possibilities, why not explore it and find out for yourself?

In almost every area of human endeavor, pioneers have made initial breakthroughs that were criticized as fanciful and ridiculous. Over time, as the truth was seen, others have stepped in and CONTROLLED the exploration.

However, in the case of imagination, everything depends on the power generated by each individual himself. Therefore, there can be no external control.

This is a very good thing.

All the art school in the world can't give a student imagination (because he already has it), and at some point, the student must strike out on his own and create something on his own.

When he does, he feels power.

He also feels at odds with a society in which such explorations are rejected as useless, impractical, and impolite.

But he can get over this sense of alienation. He can grow up, in other words, and assert his own power and deal with the discrepancies.

Contrary to the diddle-daddlings of psychology and its proprietary definitions, the above description of growing up is real maturity.

In my own work as a painter, writer, and researcher into imagination, I have staked out a territory. But this territory has no limits. It has no limits for me and it has no limits for the people who do my workshops. I don't have any interest in imposing a fence-line around imagination. I'm only interested in opening up its power. When that happens, there are very, very good outcomes.

In a society such as ours, where technology is exalted, people are bound by several mind sets. They have ultimate faith in repeatable experiments (dropping the stone from the roof), and they seek to fit into the corporate structure that produces and sells technology. As we go forward, jobs become more and more specialized, and financial security begins to look more and more like an ant colony.

Working from these premises, people believe that they would be sacrificing a great deal by exploring and relying on their on imaginations.

Actually, the opposite is true. It is a fantastic advantage---the ability to use imagination.

But people look for external cues to guide them. If imagination is so vital and important, where is the consensus encouragement in this direction? Where is the parental and educational and occupational encouragement?

Where is the PERMISSION?

The search for this blessing is, indeed, a prime sign of IMMATURITY.

Not only that, permission does absolutely nothing for the imagination itself, which is a wildly independent faculty.

When you think about, it should be no surprise that the key to a more abundant and thrilling life---imagination, creative power, manifestatation---stands outside the stifling limits of the society. This key IS what separates us from domesticated animals operating in herds under the control of masters.

If we pay lip service to the concept of individual freedom, why not do what freedom is FOR? Why not step beyond the fence? Why not leave the herd in the pasture? Why not create in all directions with great power? Why not create what we want?


Sunday, May 07, 2006

Now before anyone jumps to conclusions I certainly don't mean physically attacking anything, but I do believe that although the USA could take out any nation in the world, I also think that it couldn't stand up to a concerted effort by the rest of the world to cripple its economy. Are we getting to the point where it comes to that? Is it foolish for the rest of the world to not have a plan for the USA when the USA has a plan for us?

No doubt imposing an economic collapse in the USA is still a daunting task (although with its ridiculous debt, sliding dollar and dependency on foreign goods one can't help but wonder if the dominos are already lined up) but this is still nearly impossible accomplish as so many countries, both friends and foes of the US have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. Yet I'm at a loss for another plan of action that would be as effective. What says ye, oh learned MeFite? Is it time to turn off the taps of the US economy? Is it time for everyone else to go to war? Is furtive about to be put on a watch list?

Friday, May 05, 2006


MAY 5, 2006. Here is another backgrounder for my upcoming tele-workshop, THE TRANSFORMATIONS. The first live session is in three days. May 8. You can still get in. Click on the link above for details. When you sign up, you automatically get access to mp3 files of the sessions. The workshop is done by phone from your home. You are emailed a phone number to call and a personal passcode to enter. It's simple.
Over the years, I've made many notes on imagination, manifestation, and business.

Since most people work for an employer who owns a company, this becomes important, as the fortunes of the company rise or fall.

Innovation, for most companies, is undertaken with great hesitancy, contrary to what TV ads would have you believe. Most heads of businesses are hiding their heads in the sand, hoping that the "market" will be kind to them. It's rather like a religion in which the devotees burn incense to achieve their goals.

In truth, markets are tough environments in which lots of people sink or swim. New ideas are routinely ignored out of fear, and ignored in order to protect the position of an old guard within company ranks.

I can think of no better example than General Motors, which has been sliding further into a swamp for the last 30 years or so (at least). Currently, GM leadership (along with Ford) is loudly declaring that bankruptcy is definitely not in its future.

If generations of GM execs have known anything about real manifestation since the 1950s, a rubber duck is going to win the Kentucky Derby on Saturday. GM has been coasting downhill into layers of mud, and its only remaining energy comes from its early design and tech people.

Those early men really did have a vision of the future. It may not have been perfect, but perfect isn't the issue.

In any business, new ideas are the basic currency. Without them, the energy stalls and the dream is over.

I know that many people who read my site own their own businesses. They sometimes write to me about their challenges. The most basic challenge is the future. As in where do you want to go? What do you want? What do you desire? What do you REALLY want to create? What do you want to manifest?

The manifestation exercises I teach certainly apply to this area.

Because ALL the basic energy of success comes from the individual himself. Without it, the tree withers. Instead, the direction of a business is built into a machine, a robot operation, and the life bleeds out of it.

A CEO is really a chief manifestor. That is his number one job.

If he doesn't know that, or is afraid to do it, he may as well jump into a landfill.

Excuse the pun, but here is where the rubber meets the road. It turns out that most heads of businesses would rather be doing something else. Because that's the case, they have no real fire for what they are creating. They can tell themselves all the stories they want to about working to make a buck, and the necessity of putting bread on the table for their families, but it doesn't change a thing.

Manifestation is all about creating what you truly WANT. It isn't about anything else.

Creating what you truly want is what makes manifestation click.

Imagine manifesting, every day, an old towel sitting inside a gym locker. How long could you keep that up? How long could you delude yourself?

Well, CEOs of some very major corporations are deluding themselves every day. Because they aren't creating what they want, they're settling for appearances. Looking good. Wielding power over others. PR. Lying to stockholders. They tell themselves they're holding the ship together and no one else can step up and do it.

That's all part of their self-delusion.

Show me a very talented and very pissed-off employee of a major company, a person who is sick and tired of the non-direction his company has been taking, and I'll show you a man or woman who should be kicked way upstairs into a high-management and high decision-making position. Yesterday.

I know several such people. One works for a giant electronics firm in the US. He oversees the deployment of resources and people when a particular project is begun. For example, a new product, still in the idea phase. He keeps a careful eye on how the project is developing. What he notices is this: of the hundreds of employees who are working on the new product, most of them are mainly concerned with covering their asses. Most of them don't really care about the product. Most of them want to look good or at least not look bad. And when he spots a particular person in the chain who is actively screwing everything up that passes through his desk, no one in the company will take action. It's like a government bureaucracy.

It's a grinding mess.

And it all starts with manifestation. Who really wants the new product? Who is passionate about it? Who is manifesting it? Who is on fire?

And the answer is: no one.

So it's android city in that company.

It's night of the living dead.

When you think about it, how could it be any other way?

So this is where it all starts. Manifestation. The power and intensity to create what you want.

When I developed the manifestation exercises I'm now teaching (the early forerunners), I tried them out on a group of business people. That was one of the groups I worked with. And I got back a very interesting thing. Without exception, the business people reported: THIS IS SO DIFFERENT FROM WHAT I FEEL AT WORK. THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER.

At work, they were carrying out stale fragments of manifestation. They were carrying water for plans and ideas and services and products that no one really cared about. In their own manifestation exercises, they were on fire. They had that visionary look in their eyes.

There is much more I could say about this subject. Some of it involves the stage of civilization we are in. Having to do with riding on the past waves of the people who designed and built the cities and the roads and railroads and the wires that connect us. But for now, I want to get this message across:

Business is no different from you, alone, sitting in your room. It all starts there, with what you actually, really want, and with the tools and the knowledge to manifest it, so that it comes into being.

If you ignore that step, it's all a house of cards.

I'd like to see a renaissance that comes out of true manifestation. That renaissance can't be engineered from the top down. It can't come as an edict from a leader on high. It can't be born out of cutting corners or saying you want something when you don't.

Business, money, career, love, future, spiritual goals, the paranormal, and so on---it's all the same. It all begins in the same place.

If this interests you, join me in the workshop.

If you took the lat workshop, I've discovered some new and explosive information in the interim, and I'll be presenting it.




MAY 5, 2006. Over the past 30 years, we have a seen a growing interest in what is called sacred geometry. This area of study makes a case for universal embedded patterns of spatial relationships, proportions, shapes, and ratios---as if the cosmos is revealing its basic nature in these arithmetical formations.

I bring it up because it is yet one more example of a finished perfection.

The sense is that if we were to pursue an understanding of this geometry, it would bring us closer to a comprehension of existence with a capital E.

On the other hand, societies have progressed out of the Stone Age by discovering and inventing DYNAMIC science, in which energy can be harnessed and used.

Yet, no matter how boggling the latest technological breakthrough seems, mind and heart continue to search for something empowering and joyous and far more personal.

Do these threads ever meet?

And if they do, what do they produce?

On the whole, the search for the Spiritual has been dominated by the star of perfection, completeness. That is, the person seeks an ultimate place in which questions have final answers and the riddles are spelled out. It’s rather like hoping for an eternal awe which might grip the viewer of a Mona Lisa or a Raphael Adoration or a Michelangelo moment in which Adam reaches out for the hand of God.

A forever awe.

A trillion centuries of listening to the melodious exactitude of Bach. On and on and on.

I propose the following: just as humans have come up out of caves and hard plains with dynamic invention and technology, the desire for personal fulfillment at a grand level involves the same kind of dynamism.

There is nothing final about it.

After 40 years of writing, painting and researching the power of imagination, I’ve come to the conclusion that everything Earth culture tries to teach about Spirit is revealed on the road of manifestation.


Not what someone else wants, but what you want. At all levels.

CREATIVE POWER is the engine that achieves manifestation.

In my previous (and ongoing) workshops and audio programs, I have presented detailed exercises a committed person can do on a daily basis. These exercises are, in fact, vectors for manifesting. They are done by the imagination. Your imagination.

In other words, aside from all the hard-headed planning and execution of projects designed to achieve goals in the real world, there is a parallel track. On this second track, a person creates his destiny as he sees it and finds it and, above all, invents it.

If he believes that his real-world goals are significant (e.g., money, security, success, technical innovation, bettering the planet), he manifests that on the second track as well. On the track of his inner work.

Not one engine, but two.

I have no interest in exercises that prove useless or only hint at possibility. What I have taught is eminently applicable and useful.

Think of it this way. If you want to design and build a rocket that will travel to a distant solar system, you have to utilize enough energy to get it off the ground. There is no way around that. You can’t fake it. You can’t hope it will rise from the platform. You have to break through the gravity force with greater force. That’s a first requisite.

In the same way, if you want to create, on an inner level, what you profoundly want, you need sufficient energy of your own. You have to be able to project that energy.

And if you do, what you desire HAPPENS.

It is no longer only an inner desire. It comes to pass.

Such a thesis is contradicted by the bulk of wisdom we call science. Rationalists of every stripe, materialists of every stripe say this is impossible.

They say there may be rockets propelled by fuel that take to the sky, but there are no desires propelled only by the imagination-energy of the individual that get off the ground.

Nevertheless, it is my experience, and the experience of many people with whom I have worked, that manifestation, as I have briefly described it here, works brilliantly.

Obviously, this would necessitate a much different view of “scientific” cause and effect.

It would not, however, necessitate abandonment of real-world strategies one employs to get where he wants to go.

Parallel track.


The illusion is: the world shapes desire.

That is the error.

Here is a note I received from a man who took my last tele-workshop, MIND CONTROL, MIND FREEDOM:

“…I confess that, as I began to do the protocol of manifesting exercises you carefully described, I was more than skeptical.

“I run a successful wholesale business. I sell products to retailers in the US and Canada. I have dreamed about a way to expand my business and then sell it and get out and pursue other interests. But I’ve been up against it. For every move I make to expand the business, I find myself more embroiled in the vagaries and problems connected with employees, internal company systems, government red tape, and the limitations of a 24-hour day.

“I was ready to conclude that I couldn’t get there from here. I was in a maze. As I made and scrapped various plans, I saw, more and more lucidly, that I was digging myself into a very large hole. In order to push the business into a position where I could sell it for the kind of money I needed for a new phase in my life, I would have to work without sleep for a decade or so.

“I’m not the sort of person who gives up easily. I don’t lie down and call it quits. But I just couldn’t arrive at the right exit strategy.

“After a week of doing the manifestation exercises, I felt a little better, but I wasn’t seeing solutions.

“Then, in the fourth week, something happened. I don’t really know how to define it. It was as if all the tumblers in the vault fell into the right sequence. What had been a huge muddle of clouds came clear.

“I want to emphasize that I hadn’t DONE ANYTHING NEW in the business, I was just doing your exercises. And confusion vaporized. I saw how to clean up problems I was having with my salespeople. Then I saw how to invest in a new facility without putting myself in hock. I saw how to re-structure other employees’ jobs so they would become far more productive.

“It took me exactly three days to make all this happen. It was quick and direct. The whole picture changed. I hate to use the word, but it was magic.

“When I stare ahead at my future, it no longer looks like an LA Freeway jammed with cars and filled with fumes. It’s a straight shot.

“I’ve met my buyer. I’m not quite ready yet, but I will be ready to get out in a year.

“And you know what really tickles me? In the course of doing the exercises, I’ve found out some things about myself, basic things about repressed power, that are suddenly far more important to me than the business or selling it. That blows me away.

“I believe your approach to manifestation pays off because it taps into what I really want to do---have wanted to do for many years. It’s as if you showed me how to walk my property and find a hidden garage I had never noticed before---and inside that garage is a new Maserati, the car that has been waiting for me to insert the key. It’s the one I’ve always wanted to want. But I was timid about wanting it (and I’m not a timid person). There the car sits. My power. It has nothing to do with anyone else.

“So when you say that I (or anyone else) has great creative power, I’ve verified for myself that this is true…”

What is called spiritual has to do with power. It is not oppressive or criminally used power. It is not robotic or controlling. It is manifesting, it is creative. It is alive and it flows.

It lifts all boats. Whether a person begins with a passion for real-world results or some more emotional or even esoteric outcome---whether a person is after material or spiritual goods, so to speak---or both---once he understands and gets on the road to manifestation, his desires come into being.

Spiritual has much more to do with this kind of dynamic creating than it has to do with viewing a finished perfection.

In what is laughingly called the educational process, this sort of creating is ignored. At best, lip service is paid to it in some sentimental way. It is, therefore, understandable why bringing the creative and the spiritual and the material aspects of a person and his journey under the same roof sounds odd. We have been conditioned into compartmentalization.

People who work at professions based on prior success in extensive education do score victories in their lives. They see that so-called left-brain activity can indeed pay off. They come to rely on that function. They often see it as the only path. As the years pass, though, they may sense quite clearly an emptiness, a hole in the house of happiness.

When they cast around for an answer, that same education betrays them. It holds no answers.

Who would suspect that the very sort of dynamism they have applied to their professions can be imported to bring about the fulfillment they seek?

But it is so. It happens. I see it happening every day.



MAY 5, 2006. 3 days left until the first session of my tele-workshop, THE TRANSFORMATIONS. I have some very powerful new information for attendees. Just click on the link above to sign up. Aside from the live calls, you automatically get access to mp3 files of all 3 sessions.


Well-being, strong positive emotions, a forward-looking attitude, exhilaration...all these play into an overall sense of health...and all these are part of what happens when a person is actively and energetically manifesting what he truly wants.

However, some systems of manifestation do not ask for sufficient INTENSITY. They are more passive or more intellectual or more quiet.

Couple that with a pervasive culture in which individual desires are melted down and funneled into the interests of the Collective, and you have a recipe for disappoinment, frustration, and eventual illness.

You see, when you scrape away the cultural goo, people really want what they want. It's not kiddie time in the sandbox. People, underneath the veneer, ARE INTENSE about their desires.

This is being lost in the shuffle.

When I teach manifestation, I reinstate that intensity as part of the practice. The exercises I describe in my workshops are all about energy and power.

For many people, that's a revelation. They not only re-connect with what they truly desire, they also re-connect with the exciting and dynamic core of desire itself. In other words, they find out the degree to which they want certain futures, certain outcomes, certain goals.

This is big. Very big.


The individual regains his power.

Something else happens as well. This is more difficult to describe. I'll use the word holistic as a clue. I could also call it a multi-dimensional phenomenon.

In doing the manifestation exercises every day, a person feels all sorts of inner and outer threads hooking together. These threads are really energy pathways. The energy flows. It becomes more alive. It produces more life and health. More genuine integration.

Here is an analogy. The famous sculptor, Brancusi, spent much of his life working in a small studio in Paris. As he completed each work, he placed it, of course, in that high-walled room. Well, at some point, he discovered that he wasn't just producing one sculpture after another, he was creating the studio itself. The studio filled to the brim with his sculptures. It was, you could say, a holistic enterprise. He realized this to such a degree that, at the end of his life, when it came time to decide what to do with his work, he reached the following conclusion: he wanted to donate all his unsold output to France. But he didn't want each sculpture to be carried off to a separate location, because he was manifesting much more. He insisted that the whole studio, with all his pieces, be kept intact by the French government.

A minor battle ensued, but finally Brancusi had his way. He had created a complete environment, and that is what he wanted to pass on.

In his life's work, in his manifestation, he had connected with a whole range of feelings, realizations, objects (sculptures), spaces (the studio itself), and energies. It was a magnificent outcome. THAT is what he wanted to donate. Nothing less. He knew what he had created, and he wouldn't compromise.

The reluctance of the French government to accept his gift stemmed, in part, from its bewilderment about all the threads and energy pathways involved in manifestation. The culture had no language to describe or understand this.

In the same way, when you really strike out on the path of manifestation, you create and tap into and unleash all sorts of connections, inside and outside yourself. You move into a new realm. Your intensity builds universes. You not only bring into being what you want, you also become more of what you ARE.

This is yet another reason I say that manifestation is the grand adventure.

I look forward to having you in the workshop.



MAY 5, 2006. The first session of my telephone workshop, THE TRANSFORMATIONS, takes place on May 8, three days from now. You can still get in. Just click on the link above for details, and to sign up. You'll automatically get access to the three live calls and mp3 files of the calls. Here is another backgrounder for the workshop.

As the Medical State becomes more and more a matter of government edict, and as drug companies choke the airwaves with their ads promising relief from dozens of illnesses, people are being conditioned to expect good results in their lives from outside intervention.

"I'll have a better future if I take this drug."

Occasionally, I get emails from people who ask, "If I do the manifestation exercises you describe in your workshops, will I get what I want in my life?"

It's clear from the tone of the communication that these people view the exercises as some sort of externally applied medicine. Take three capsules before bedtime and on awakening in the morning. And then, poof, it'll happen.

Needless to say (but I'll say it), this is not the way it works.

First of all, what you desire is WHAT YOU DESIRE. It's not what anyone else wants. So the whole process starts from you.

Second, you are the one who is doing the exercises. You are manifesting your desires. How could it be any other way?

If you want future XYZ, you are creating it.

The unique exercises I teach tap into YOU. They allow you to manifest. They are not distractions or diversions or useless appendages. Like arrows, they go right to the core of whatever it is you really want.

They are like highly personal rockets. You have to strap yourself in and blast off and then steer yourself to your destination. If not, nothing happens. In fact, the fuel of the rocket comes from you and is supplied by you.



The exercises I teach do two basic things. They put you at the center of the game where you belong. And then they allow you to create what you want. With those two factors in place, if you do the techniques on an ongoing basis, you will manifest what you want.

You won't find yourself playing around with useless symbols or icons, and you won't find yourself doing anything ceremonial or ritualistic, and you won't find yourself waiting for something to happen, and you won't find yourself relying on outside forces to supply what you want, and you won't find yourself in a passive state, and you won't find yourself with less energy, and you won't find yourself loaded down with metaphysical baggage, and you won't find yourself glued to some belief system, and you won't find yourself relying on fading hopes and wishes, and you won't find yourself at the feet of "leaders."

If you think about it, all those things you won't find yourself involved in? THEY ARE THE BASIC COMPONENTS OF THE WAITING GAME MOST CITIZENS OF PLANET EARTH ARE PLAYING ALL THEIR LIVES.

So here is an intense and powerful method of manifestation that avoids all those foolish and negative situations.

When YOU step up to the plate to create what you want in this way, an expectation is aroused in the very energy and matter of the continuum. The cells of your body feel that expectation. The fundamental energies of the space-time continuum feel it. They want to feel it. That's really what they're there for. They are the medium that is waiting to shape itself into what you want.

But they don't just hand it over because you exist. They hand it over because you are creating it with power.

The "age of psychology" has foisted a completely wrong-headed view of human behavior on us. The basic lie is: what we are doing and creating in our lives is the result of some COMPENSATION OR ACTING-OUT on our part, to deal with fears and neuroses and past traumas and so on. THEREFORE, we should stop all that.

Which is where watered-down versions of so-called Eastern philosophy comes in. It says: do nothing. Sit there. Allow your mind to move wherever it wants to move. Don't compensate. Don't act out. Sit there and wait, and eventually everything in your cluttered mind will empty out and what you truly need will come to you.

Such a program may be good for reducing stress, but it doesn't tap into manifestation.

The idea of stopping, of doing nothing, of ceasing to create---all that is pernicious nonsense. It's insanity.

But many people have submitted to the brainwashing, and they are under its spell. A self-induced spell, in the final analysis.

It really works this way. Here is example from the culture. The producers of a new blockbuster movie called CRAZY CRASHES take out thousands of TV ads with action teasers. They have already made the movie, which is full of high-speed chases and explosions and wild gunplay and good guys and bad guys. We, the potential audience, are responding like compliant bits of energy, lining up and buying tickets. WE ARE RESPONDING TO THEIR MANIFESTATION. The movie makes $600 million at the box office.

THEY manifested with power. WE bought in.

The exercises I teach allow YOU to manifest with power. You manifest what you truly want. The exercises also allow you deeper and deeper insight into what it is you DO want.

So you manifest something. Something that is not destructive. It works. The energy around you and in you gives you back what you want. You are at the helm of your own future.

I hope you'll join me in the workshop.



MAY 4, 2006. Here is another backgrounder for my upcoming tele-workshop, THE TRANSFORMATIONS. Four days until the first live session on May 8. You can still get in. You automatically get mp3 files of all three sessions. Just click on the link above for details, and to sign up.
When a person does the manifesting exercises I teach, and when he does them every day, something interesting begins to happen at a sub-level. He becomes aware that strings of thoughts and emotions are occurring that have nothing to do with manifesting what he wants.

Previously, these thoughts and feelings were more central to his life. But now they have faded into the bakground. Previously, he was, perhaps, judging his state of mind and even his success based on these thoughts and emotions. But now they are minor.

This is a very good thing.

Coming into the foreground is his creative effort (manifestation) toward getting what he truly desires. This is the main event.

The question arises: what effect, if any, do these sub-streams of old thoughts and feelings have NOW?

Do they interact with a magnetic field to bring him what he doesn't want? Do they have any power?

And the answer is NO.

They are like small eddies in a stream whose central current is heading toward a particular destination. They are little swirls and movements that are finally transformed and swept along in the robust flow. They are of no importance.

This tells you something vital about reflex thought and feeling. They are of no concern. They are not lurking in the shallows, waiting to spring something unwanted on you. That's fiction. In fact, that's propaganda. That's part of a long story people have been telling themselves for ages. It's the watch-out story. The story that claims, falsely, that everything you think forms your reality and feeds back to you negative outcomes. That's baloney. Nonsense. Always was.

That's nothing more, in the final analysis, than fear-mongering.

And you know that and see it very, very clearly when you are launched on the broad open highway of manifesting what you really want.

All outward movement by a person has to do with desire. A person desires something. He moves toward it. He moves toward getting it. If he is moving with very little energy, nothing much happens.

But if he is very actively and strongly moving and creating and manifesting in the direction of what he wants, he gets what he wants.

That's the main event. That's the big arrow. That's the future coming into being.

Everything else takes its position relative to that.

The population at large, on the other hand, is being propagandized to sink into their habitual sub-streams of feeling and thought. That's called control.

But all that nonsense becomes completely irrelevant once a person starts manifesting, with power, what he wants.

That's why I've spent a great deal of time developing the exercises I teach in my workshops. By doing them every day, a person DOES manifest with power.

It's that simple and that straightforward.

And that thrilling.


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Thursday, May 04, 2006

what happened at Kent State dosen't give you carte blanche to make summary judgement on another human being

Well, it certainly didn't seem to stop dios. I was merely responding in kind. I know that this is all part of your bit where you defend really unpopular opinions so you can be king of the peasant-philosophers, so I don't even know why I'm bothering to respond.
As one who believes that at 90% of the "radicals" on this website are nothing more than kids looking for an identity who want to be "a part" of something like a scene; or people nostalgic for some idealized perception of the 70's who feel like that missed out on something; or spoiled victims of their ids who can't have what they want and want to rage about it....
posted by dios at 12:13 PM PST on May 4

Real protesters immolate themselves.
posted by dios at 11:48 AM PST on May 4

I am part of no scene, I'm not nostalgic for an idealized golden age, and I don't even know what you're talking about in that last part. But I know this: you are a vile, despicable person whose empathy disappeared long ago, for reasons that none of us might ever understand. You make fun of handicapped children, you yearn for total authoritarian rule over every citizen, and you value the law, no matter what it says, over what is right. Unless the law conflicts with the powers that be, in which case we're in a grey area and then murdering college kids is probably okay.

And the scary part is that you are a well-educated professional, who probably fits right in at social gatherings, and who probably has a few friends who think you are the best guy around. That's the fucking scary part.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


MAY 3, 2006. This is another backgrounder for my upcoming tele-workshop, THE TRANSFORMATIONS. The first live session takes place five days from now. Click on the link above for details. The response has been very large.

Many people find their lives resemble a maze. They move along paths that seem to lead to open and free space, but then they find dead-ends and they keep moving around and around.

The whole substance and shape of the maze is a product of misdirection. People are looking for signs and signals that will point the way, but the signs are only temporary fixes.

To put it another way, people are ignoring the source of their own power. They are attributing it to something outside themselves. In doing this, they may discover they are being urged to surrender completely, to give up everything they want.

This urge dovetails nicely with the idea of a controlled society in which citizens basically accept what is given to them.

I could form all this into a riddle which goes: how do you give up yourself, and when you do, what's left?


Starting from that premise, the rest is clear. You discover, more and more, what you DO want, and you manifest it.

The more manifesting you do, the more power you create.

The more power you create, the more answers you find. Answers to ALL the questions you have.

It's a straight line.

It's a very broad highway.

All the problems a person has, all the wandering in the maze a person does comes from radiating less power than the person really has.

It may be socially polite to minimize one's own power, but actually doing it spawns many troubles.

People are taught, and teach themselves, that there is something wrong about exerting their power. Accepting that, they embroider all sorts of strategies to limit their strength and their creative capacity. In other words, they act against themselves.

In such a strange and burdensome space, it appeals to them to give up the ghost altogether. It feels good to surrender everything.

But sooner or later, that doesn't work. Another dead-end is reached.

I teach exercises for manifesting what you want. They work. They involve exerting your creative power. They don't add anything unnecessary into the mix.

When a person does the exercises long enough, he achieves a breakthrough. He IS moving on that broad highway. He IS getting what we wants. He IS discovering, more deeply, what he truly wants. All this is done by him. Which is the only way it can be done. Every other way presupposes that someone else is writing the script. That goes nowhere.

There is a clarity in THINKING that you can manifest what you desire. There is a much greater clarity that comes from DOING it.

When you do it over and over, you gain more lucid and confident and true degrees of perception about YOUR OWN power.

It's like planting a garden. You can make up a plan and think that'll it all work out. But you can DO IT, and in the process of doing, you become very, very sure that you have the capacity to make that garden. You see it before your eyes. You know you did it. You know how you did it.

That's what real manifesting is all about. That's what I teach.