Friday, June 16, 2006

Can you share some of your favorite sources of inspiration and ideas? (e.g. certain blogs/books/magazines)

Never bothered reading books, magazines Just started reading blogs lately outside the dating world. For the most part I treated it as a video game, and defeat isn't an option you just find some way to win.
To many people assume an "original idea" is just something that looks visually different then others. I created the first real free dating and the first one that actually worked. Just like Google created the first real search engine that worked. There is no such thing as a secret. When I came home from work I sat down and I forced myself to code for a hour or 2. The enemy was thinking, whenever I paused or started to think I would force myself to type something, its amazing how much you can get done when you just type. There are only 1000 or so sites in the world with massive traffic, and of those mine is the only one that is run by a single person. It's not possible for thousands of people to be as successful as me. For being successful in building sites you need to give something to the surfer faster or better or both. If you want to do pay per click, you just need to be good at picking words to bid on. For that business its just a matter of repetition and fighting boredom. At the end of the day you just need to sit down and DO it. Most people don't.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Mike Burke demands that Peter Wesley-Smith, whom Burke accuses of intolerance and labels a “d*ckhead” – mmm, how tolerant and clever – state “his views on just how a realistic morality-based foreign policy could be conducted by Australia in the real world”. Dear, oh dear. I know that some of us, for instance those who were told by the good Sisters and Brothers all through school to have no worries because our Lord would take care of everything, may find it difficult when they're grown up to have to think for themselves. So this is my advice for those who, like Burke, obviously haven't got a clue about where to start: don't bother mate. Just gawp at the Socceroos instead. Bleat with all the other sheep while you stare cross-eyed at the idiot box. When you've come out of your stupor who knows? Others may well have done the hard yards for you, saving you once again the need to make your head hurt.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

You've heard the expression 'quit while you are ahead'? Let me share with you another, less famous, expression:

Quit while you are way, way, way fucking behind, and can't even see the people who are way, way, way fucking behind the people who are ahead.

JUNE 11, 2006. From emails I've received over the last six months, I've compiled a basic FAQ that connects various parts of my research. I think you'll find it helpful and instructive.

Q: What exactly is manifestation?

A: It's creating what you want, what you desire.

Q: Well, for example, I work at a job, and I make money. I want money. So is my job a form of manifestation?

A: Yes it is, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about specific exercises you do every day that create, with energy, a feedback effect, in which the universe deals you back the cards you want.

Q: The universe cooperates with me?

A: It certainly does when you create what you want with enough energy and intensity.

Q: So manifestation is a mental activity, a mental exercise.

A: Mental is a very narrow word to describe it. It's not just a matter of thinking about what you want. That is not it.

Q: Is it visualization?

A: No.

Q: Is it thinking positive thoughts?

A: No.

Q: Is it waiting to receive gifts from the universe?

A: Definitely not.

Q: Is it focusing on some key phrase?

A: No.

Q: Is it meditation?

A: No.

Q: Is any ritual involved?

A: Absolutely not.

Q: Does it matter if I'n religious or not religious?

A: It doesn't matter at all.

Q: Is it thinking the same words over and over?

A: No.

Q: How does this manifesting affect other people? Am I trying to bend their will to mine?

A: This has nothing to do with controlling other people. That urge, in fact, comes from not being able to manifest what you want for yourself. And if someone, in a perverse state of mind, tries to manifest something that would curtail another person's freedom, it won't work. It'll run to ground and fail. It'll turn up a big zero.

Q: So your method of manifesting what I want is different from all of these methods I've asked about?

A: Yes. My method involves PROJECTING WITH POWER.

Q: You teach specific exercises in your tele-workshops?

A: Yes. Very specific techniques. The two key workshops are MIND CONTROL, MIND FREEDOM, and THE TRANSFORMATIONS.

Q: You also have a product called IMAGINATION EXERCISES FOR A LIFETIME. How does this fit in?

A: Everything begins with imagination, with creative power. The stronger and wider and more adventurous and more ENERGETIC your imagination is, the better you are able to manifest what you desire.

Q: So in that program, IMAGINATION EXERCISES, you teach that.

A: IMAGINATION EXERCISES is a very extensive program in which you and I, side by side in real time, do a whole host of exercises together. You just pop in the CDs and go. Step by step. It's very clear.

Q: And this accomplishes what?

A: It allows you to use your imagination in specific ways so that its power increases by leaps and bounds. As a result of that, when you then do the manifesting exercises---which are aimed at getting what you desire---you will be more effective and powerful.

Q: Power, imagination, manifestation seem to be linked together.

A: Very definitely. When you can imagine what you want, with power, and when you apply that power in the exercises I teach, you get what you want.

Q: That's a very definite statement.

A: It's a true statement.

Q: So I do the manifesting exercises and everything else happens automatically.

A: The automatic part happens after you do the exercises. Here is what I mean. You need to have an intensity when you do the techniques. This is not a lab experiment in which you stand back and watch things happen. This is not a test in which you indifferently wait around and note the outcome, like a technician checking the effects on rats in cages. This is a live process, and you manifest with live energy.

Q: Why?

A: Many reasons. One is, you are creating what you want. What you want IS about desire and energy. You don't desire something vaguely or generally or absently or scientifically. You WANT it.

Q: So the exercises tap into that.

A: You use the exercises to tap into your desires and then manifest them, bring them into being as accomplished fact.

Q: Suppose I'm confused about what I really want. Suppose I don't know.

A: In MIND CONTROL, MIND FREEDOM, there is a simple and powerful exercise you do to uncover, more and more, what you want. That's part of this process. In addition to that, when you do my manifesting exercises, you naturally discover deeper and deeper levels of what you desire.

Q: And then I manifest THAT.

A: That's right.

Q: Are you saying that, at bottom, I really want only one thing?

A: Not at all. Generally speaking, people want many things, many outcomes, many realities.

Q: Does that get confusing?

A: No. The exercises are structured so that you are always manifesting what you really want at that moment, at the moment you are doing the daily exercises. The bonus is, ALL manifesting with these exercises builds up your creative power, gives you many insights along the way, and makes you feel more alive and energetic and joyous and lucid and at the center of your own life. These are major rewards.

Q: Since I'm manifesting what I want, can I just sit back and let the rest of my life go on hold?

A: Of course not. In your life, you should be spending time working toward what you want. The manifesting exercises help that happen faster and smoother and much more enjoyably. Positive things will happen that escape any rational explanation.

Q: Is this magic?

A: I'll try to boil it down. As I said, it's definitely NOT about ritual or mysterious trappings or burning candles or chanting. None of that. But magic really means: superceding the supposed rules of the space-time continuum. That's a clear definition of magic. And in that sense, this is definitely magic. But you see, the word magic is loaded with all sorts of baggage for people. They think of waving wands and doing spells and all that. This has NOTHING to do with that. It has to do with you.

Q: Where does the transformation come in?

A: When you do the exercises on a consistent basis, old emotions and thought patterns and seeming obstacles recede into the background. They become of secondary importance. Your whole outlook improves and moves to a higher and deeper level. You're no longer a card-carrying member of the consensus culture.

Q: What does that mean?

A: Your life has less and less to do with solving sticky problems and working to stay afloat. You need less effort and you have more power. You aren't in a soap opera. You're not only directed at your goals with much greater clarity, you're getting what you want. So you don't need to pay attention to the familiar irritations so many people waste their days on. What you are creating is much more interesting and exciting than what the culture is giving you. Your inner energy is free and flowing. You KNOW. You aren't guessing or rooting around for answers.

Q: As far as what I do desire, do you make suggestions?

A: NO. I'm not in the business of telling you what you want. Only you know that. Only you find that out. For yourself. That's the way it is and has to be, and that also makes it free and thrilling for you. You're launched on your own path all the time. That's exactly what freedom is about, what freedom is for.

Q: So in addition to getting what I want, I'm on a path that is central to my life?

A: Definitely. This is the path that starts from you and your core and moves outward. It doesn't come at you as indoctrination or intellectual clap-trap. It's realer than real, and it's the path along which you graduate into full being, full Self.

Q: I'm interested in the paranormal.

A: Another tricky word loaded with baggage. Manifestation is all about the paranormal from the get-go. It zings right out beyond the average and the mundane and the normal; it goes far, far beyond all that. As I said, it exceeds all the so-called rules of the space-time continuum. It proves to YOU that you can create, with energy, with power, what you actually want---and the universe will accommodate you. The universe will shape itself and re-arrange itself to give you the reality you desire. If that's not paranormal, I don't know what is.

Q: Is this cheating?

A: Cheating is when you limit yourself and try to fit into the consensus of what is average and unhappy and bored. That is REALLY cheating. Cheating yourself. Cheating is when you utilize your skills and self-deception to convinve yourself that you have to accept what is given to you by other people. Cheating is living out your life in the role of the "average person." Typically, it's all backwards. The culture is backwards. Forget all that nonsense.



JUNE 10, 2007. This article relates to our June special, which is all about real on the link above for information.

Power radiates outward from a person who has it. Power is not about domination and coercive control. That is the false mask of power. That is what some people do when they see life solely in terms of who controls and who is controlled.

Washington DC is good place to explore the false mask, but what sane person has the time or the inclination?

True power gives back to the one who has it. It flows out and it flows back. The space-time continuum makes the accommodation and cooperates.

Most people are afraid of having or using power. This is because they have brainwashed themselves into believing that this quality IS the mask. It's also because they are afraid they will be perceived as standing apart from the herd of sheep. It's also because they're afraid that, when they try to exert power, they'll discover they don't have any.

I have a few things to say about all this. First, everyone has power. Second, radiating it is not a false thing and therefore most other people will not be put off or alarmed by it. The exceptions to this rule are professional victims and those who live off the stale end of envy.

But you know what? Underneath it all, professional victims and those who draw their energy from envy know, down deep, they are playing a trick. They know. They are simply trying to chop off little pieces of someone else's power. That's their whole stock in trade, and they know they are doing it.

Ignore them. They're not worth your time. They never solve any problem for themselves or anyone else. Their lives are dedicated to causing problems.

Power radiates for several purposes: because it can, and it feels natural, and it is life-giving and enhancing; and because it is involved with manifesting realities that reflect what the soul desires.

Power brings futures into being.

The more you radiate this power, the more you move beyond the foolish games of the culture. The more independent and happy you are. I seem to remember a document written about 230 years ago that made a few statements about independence.

One phrase comes to mind. The pursuit of happiness.

How can you do that and get there without projecting power?

You can't.

You can try to tap-dance around that one and make all sorts of excuses and induce some sort of amnesia, but it won't work.

The wonderful thing is, when you expand the range and energy of your imagination, and when you utilize that new and improved imagination to manifest what you truly want, you are naturally radiating power. It's there. It's always there for that purpose.

All this is as natural as walking down the street or drinking a glass of water. What makes it seem unnatural is the self-induced conditioning we tend to apply, in order to fit in and become "normal" and "equal." These fantasies may be interesting, but only for a little while. Then they become dull and ingrained and, above all, boring. Then we want something more.

Well, this imagination/power/manifesting IS something more. It is the great spaceship leaving the dock on the routes of invention and discovery.

That's what I opt for, and I think you do, too.


Friday, June 09, 2006

The national campaign asks consumers to submit a video explaining why Chappelle should attend their fictional block party, bearing in mind the comedian's style and sensibility.

Entrants then compete to get the most number of viewers by marketing their video on social networking sites, blogs, e-mail or any other way they can devise.

Monday, June 05, 2006

I'm not sure the pay-off is worth the alienating effects of the insularity.

The point of in-jokes is hardly to entice newcomers into the inner circle. You may be the first person to contemplate the pros and cons of attempting to "get" an in-joke.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

It is comforting to realise that in such chaotic times as these, when so much seems to be out of our control and beyond our ability to influence, that there is one important thing we do control and do influence. That is: how we react to this.

Whether these guys were really buying the fertilizer, whether they were really terrorists, or were really planning to blow things up, is, at some level, immaterial. What's important, I would suggest, is how we all react to the news of these arrests, both as individuals, and as a group.

The very idea that 'people want to kill us' seems to set some into near-rabid states of foamy fear. It really shouldn't come as news to anyone paying attention that threats have been made against Canada for its role in Afghanistan, and so on, in recent years. That much is true.

But on Fark right now people are arguing now about how much of Bay Street could theoretically have been blown up, and here we seem to have people aghast that the rest of us aren't barricading our homes and screaming for more protection, more protection, more protection.

Tomorrow is Riverfest in the area I live, and I'm going to take my kids there and have a great time. And if I see any swarthy 'Muslim-looking' folks, I'll be sure and smile and say, "afternoon" or whatever. C'mon now, wasn't the gigantic clusterfuck that followed 9-11 evidence enough not to run around like a chicken with its head cut off after buildings in your area get blown up?
posted by stinkycheese at 10:59 AM PST on June 3

Friday, June 02, 2006

You wrote about how these projects can smooth out and go faster once you do the actual manifesting on an energy level and a creative level.

"That is turning out to be true. I can see the future much more clearly. I'm not wrapping myself around problems now. I'm on a direct path.

"It's quantum magic. When I manifest, apparently I'm overcoming the factor of distance. I can connect, in a non-localized way, with people who are in places hundreds and thousands of miles from me. I have a background in physics, and I've thought for a lot of years that these non-local phenomena were real. But that was all abstract thinking. Now I'm experiencing it on a very personal level.

"This is genuinely paranormal. It goes beyond traditional theories of cause and effect and how things can happen. I'm not interested in trying to convince physics people of this. I'm just doing it on my own. As an example, one of my investors is from Arizona. I live on the east coast. I'm still not sure how all the tumblers fell into place so that we could meet each other. But I do know that it was about energy. The energy I was using in doing the manifestation."
is there a name for it when people seize on some tiny marginally-important aspect of what someone says, as though by pointing out its wrongness they have somehow invalidated the whole statement?
Can we call it a quagmire yet? How about "Yet Another Vietnam"? Can we call it Vietnam yet?

Fuck, man. Mission fucking accomplished, you heartless, greedy, chickenhawk motherfuckers on a stick of pure, unadultrated stupid.

I'm fucking talking to you, Middle America, listen up. I'm talking to you, you supposedly religious and godly fundamentalists. I'm talking to you, you stupid, stupid voters that were swayed by Bush's totally ingenuine religiousness and his anti-homosexual rhetoric.

I'm talking to you, you shivering, bleating, mewling, motherfucking fear eaten sheep, stampeding off to your own fucking doom and the wholesale slaughter of innocents.

I'm talking to you, you short-sighted, non-thinking mostly inanimate bundles of nerves and fears and insecurities.

You, you who have everything handed to them on a plate. You, who consume the majority of the world's resources with a fraction of a fraction of the population. You, with the world's most technologically advanced military protecting them.

And yet you still tremble and cower in fear and react like a spoilt child when confronted by anything even marginally different then your own mealy, pasty hallucination of normality. You're not normal, Middle America, you're sick with delusions of grandeur and self-importance, joyously and ignorantly wallowing in your own mental excrement.

Collateral damage, my fat fucking white ass. I wonder if you'd still so willingly and unquestioningly accept the doctrine of collateral fucking damage if it was your own goddamn neighborhoods being blown to shit, if it was your own house that was mistargeted for a precision munition, your own homes torn to shreds by nearby explosions, if it was your own neighborhoods being shattered, if it was your own children who died, if it was your own parents, or god forbid - your own life.

Fuck you, Middle America. Fuck you very much. Thanks a fucking ton. I'm sure that the Iraqi people would love to thank you personally for your magnificence, for your honesty and candor. For your deeply introspective ways and your willingness to lend a hand.

On the upside, as history repeats itself the mainstream media and even the general feel of the general public - along with Bush's incredibly low approval ratings - is kind of starting to look and feel a lot like (what I've read about) the Nixon years just before Watergate and the ensuing impeachment.

Paranoia setting in, Shrub? Walls closing in, maybe? Feeling a little harried and hassled and underappreciated?

Good. You deserve it. I hope you get everything that's coming to you. 'Cause you are a crook and a thief - and worse, a murderer. A murderer of your own people, your own child-soldiers, and a murderer of Soveriegn innocents of foreign countries.
posted by loquacious at 8:17 PM PST on June 1