Thursday, May 11, 2006


MAY 11, 2006. Here is another backgrounder for my ongoing tele-workshop, THE TRANSFORMATIONS. Two sessions left: May 15 and May 22. If you click on the link above, you can get in on those two live calls AND get all three calls on mp3 files---so you'll have the whole workshop. All three sessions.
Below the surface of our culture, manifestation is taking place all the time. People are launching projects and businesses and products, and they are trying to hit the target and win customers.

And always, these people ask themselves, does it work? Is it working? Is it happening?

We have the recent release of Mission Impossible 3 and the press coverage of Cruise and the box office numbers and the defense of the movie and the attacks on the movie...

In a quite different fashion, we have the attempt to scare the planet into submission under the banner of a scientific hoax called bird flu. Is the hoax working? Are people frightened enough to submit to mandatory vaccinations?

It's all about manifestation at some level. Of course, these products and projects don't usually get down to core personal manifestation, in the way that pure imagination and creative power operate.

I must say this, though. In the commercial marketplace, the people who try to manifest their products through manufacturing, sales, and promotion do tend to notice that they are the ones who are carrying the load. Their success or failure rides on what they do, how clever they are, how much money they spend, how well their products work. In some cases (e.g., bird flu), how well they lie is the big issue.

However, when we swing over into individuals doing their own personal manifestations, there is a tendency to put the burden of proof on the method. On the system. On the techniques. As if the individual is exempt from accountability.

There are reasons for this attitude, but at bottom, it has to do with a basic confusion. People don't realize that they are supplying live energy to their own manifestations, and it is this live energy that carries the day.

As for the exercises that I teach in my workshops, they do work. Boy, do they work. They make the journey. They get to the far shore. People do the exercises, and they get what they truly want in their lives.

But always it is the person who is supplying the energy. This is not a stand-offish enterprise in which the person observes through the wrong end of a telescope. This is not a cold lab experiment.

The exercises I teach allow the person to harness and direct the energy in VERY specific ways. When that happens, results occur.

This is a hot activity, not a cool one.

Most of the population is completely unaware that they have this kind of energy. Or that they can literally invent this energy.

And yet...consider this. A person who goes about his life in a more or less ordinary way reads an ad. People are looking for a crew-member on a boat that is going to sail to Tahiti. Something clicks. The person answers the ad, and meets the captain and a deal is consummated. Suddenly this new crew member has all sorts of energy at his disposal. He's stoked. He's on fire. He's doing ten times the amount of work and prep he usually does in a 24-hour period.

Where does his energy come from?

What happened?

Forget some sort of bio-chem analysis. It all starts in his imagination. He sees the trip taking place, the open water, the waves, the sky, the island destination. He feels the delicious sense of adventure.

He doesn't know it, but he is inventing energy. Out of...nothing.

It's pure magic.

It happens all the time.

Every person can recall at least one moment like this in his life.

Well, when I give out these exercises, I'm offering a specific avenue along which a person can do this kind of manifesting every day. Consciously. On purpose. Directed toward attaining what he really wants.

Imagine. Create. When these triggers are pulled, the person begins to summon up and invent tons of energy. And sooner or later, he KNOWS he is inventing energy.

It's a whole new ballgame.

A transformation of great magnitude has taken place. The person was living his life and making efforts in this direction and that direction. But NOW the person is rising up above and beyond that level. He is consciously manifesting his future. Everything has changed. He is becoming more of what he is. What he once perceived as obstacles in the road are now like old useless vestiges of a former stage of evolution.

NOW he can create out along many different channels. He can see differently. He can, without even thinking about it, take unformed and even conflicting passions and upload all their energies and aim them at what he truly desires.

New life.



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