Thursday, May 04, 2006

As one who believes that at 90% of the "radicals" on this website are nothing more than kids looking for an identity who want to be "a part" of something like a scene; or people nostalgic for some idealized perception of the 70's who feel like that missed out on something; or spoiled victims of their ids who can't have what they want and want to rage about it....
posted by dios at 12:13 PM PST on May 4

Real protesters immolate themselves.
posted by dios at 11:48 AM PST on May 4

I am part of no scene, I'm not nostalgic for an idealized golden age, and I don't even know what you're talking about in that last part. But I know this: you are a vile, despicable person whose empathy disappeared long ago, for reasons that none of us might ever understand. You make fun of handicapped children, you yearn for total authoritarian rule over every citizen, and you value the law, no matter what it says, over what is right. Unless the law conflicts with the powers that be, in which case we're in a grey area and then murdering college kids is probably okay.

And the scary part is that you are a well-educated professional, who probably fits right in at social gatherings, and who probably has a few friends who think you are the best guy around. That's the fucking scary part.


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