Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Yet it also seems possible that he is, as he claimed during his mea culpa on Letterman, a man with a profound rage issues. And that the impulse to use those words -- specifically that word, over and over -- came not from a desire to express a view on inherent racial characteristics but from a momentarily uncontrollable desire to inflict as much pain as possible.

Monday, November 20, 2006


My research, as always, continues. I want to share a few things with you.

As you create what you want in life, the universe goes on ticking. In many respects, it is an automatic stage play in which the plot lines are generated from a pre-determined pattern.

Whereas YOU are free to invent your future. You can decide what you truly and profoundly want, and you can go about manifesting it.

Who has the advantage? Who has the upper hand? You, or the universe?

I realize that for some people, this is a stark question. They prefer to think in terms of "harmonization," in which they and the universe melt together in one gorgeous goo. They prefer to think that the universe is the source of their energy.

But YOU are the source of your energy.

And when that potential is realized, the universe can't hold a candle to the amount of power you have. That's just the way it is.

However, it can seem that an automatic machine (universe) is much more powerful than any individual, because that machine doesn't have to get up every morning and think about what it's going to do. The machine doesn't have to summon will power or focus. The machine doesn't have to sort out what it really desires.

The machine doesn't have to create. It just runs.

That's why, in our modern culture, the machine is exalted. It seems to possess the kind of staying power and singlemindedness that we wish for ourselves.

You could say we are free creators living within a machine. And sometimes we are jealous of the machine. We wish we could be as relentless.

Of course, this is all a misperception. At the highest level, for example, the universe wants to join up with us. It wants to help us bring into being what WE manifest. It wants to feel our live energy.

But at a lesser level, it is a machine. It runs. It spits out pre-determined results.

And therefore, what we create, what we manifest, can take time to happen. To the degree that we want to create something inside this universe, to the degree that we want to "change the operation of the machine," time is involved. Because time is built into the machine.

Therefore, we can become discouraged. We can weaken our approach to manifestation. We can lose the thread. We can even decide that we need to play the Normal and Average game. We can decide this is our only option.

Even as we might decide such a thing, we know it's a lie. We know we are short-changing ourselves. We know we are settling for far less than we are.

And when we jolt ourselves awake, when we see how we have been fooling ourselves, we pick up the thread again. We get back on the road of the great adventure.

There is even a bonus for us, then. We dig deeper into what we REALLY want. What we really want to manifest. We become more bold and more committed to that.

I'm not much for holidays, but if holidays are about anything, they are about renewal. A new opportunity. A new decision. A new commitment to create what we most profoundly want. I cannot say what you most profoundly want. I only know it's there, and you can dig it up and create it.

That's my holiday wish and my every-day wish for you and yours.

Outside the fog of propaganda and half-truths about this world, there we are---shining with power and the capacity to imagine and manifest our highest dreams.

When this creating reaches a certain level of intensity, we enter the realm of magic. In that realm, creating is the first step and every step. We no longer bow down to what we think are irreducible facts. We create facts.

As humans living on planet Earth in the industrialized countries, we tend to condition ourselves to what is easy, what is readily available. If we want something and try to create it and it doesn't come to us right away, we tend to reject the whole process, because we are used to a familiar pattern: if it's possible, it's quick and easy; if it isn't quick and easy, it's not possible.

That's a fantasy. The truth is, the more deeply we dig, the more intensely we manifest, the more powerful and joyous and satisfied we are.

That's a new one for all of us. It may not be new in theory (we've heard about it), but it's new IN ACTION.

Creating what we truly want and making it FACT is the royal super-highway. We've heard of ecstasy. Well, this is ecstasy! An ecstasy of body, mind, spirit, soul, consciousness, emotions, energy.

In truth, there is no block on creating, except for the thoughts you may place between you and the act of creating.

Many years ago, when I started painting, I was attracted to a number of abstract artists. From spending hours and days and weeks and months looking at their work, I formed some guiding principles.

I didn't formulate these principles as hard and fast rules. I didn't consciously formulate them at all. I did, however, absorb and understand what was, for me, a path.

I think these "guidelines" would be useful for anyone. And I'm not just talking about painting. I'm talking about any activity, from business to relationships to quests to inventing futures you desire:

1. You don't need to create something that resembles what is already around you.

2. You don't have to copy reality. Reality doesn't need billions of cheerleaders. It already has them.

3. You don't have to assume there is only one space. You create spaces. You put what you want in those spaces.

4. You don't have to try to please everybody. You can be bold. You will find your "audience," and they will find you.

5. Keep creating. The speed with which others accept or like what you create is not a sign of whether you are "doing the right thing."

6. If you are glued to the idea of "doing the right thing," you'll eventually sacrifice everything for the sake of pleasing others and gaining their approval. And your creative force will dissipate.

7. If you become genuinely bored with what you are creating, create something else.

8. Don't wait for inspiration. Inspire yourself. If necessary, force the issue.

9. Don't assume you must create perfection. Perfection is actually creating what you want to.

10. Don't assume that creating must be about inventing balance and symmetry. All too often, those qualities are merely compromises with the status quo. In fact, launching creation automatically breaks through a previous balance that was stagnant.

11. You don't have to know everything about what you're going to create before you create it. You don't have to know anything about what you're going to create before you start creating it.

12. Often, if you think what you're creating doesn't come up to the standard you set, it's because you're imposing a standard you didn't want in the first place. You fooled yourself into thinking the standard was your own, but it was nothing more than a shallow consensus of other people's standards.

13. Don't spend endless hours fiddling and faddling and trying to decide what you want to create. Pick the best and most energizing thing you can think of, and launch. Then, as you go, you can change it. You can change it radically, if you want to. You can rub it out altogether, and do something entirely new.

14. Build up momentum.

15. Don't fall for the old adage that you must finish what you start. You can transform what you started and make it into something else---and then finish THAT. You can transform what you started 50 times.

16. Fear of failing is an illusion. What is failing? It's one thing and one thing only: NOT CREATING, OR STOPPING CREATING. If you keep on creating, everything will become clear. You will get what you want, and you'll also gain all the knowledge you want.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Conservative audiences love that stuff-- serious, historical reasons for tough-minded rich people to support sending other people's kids to fight unnecessary wars.
I predict that the media will suddenly become incredibly diligent in ferreting out all corruption and waste in government right about, oh, now. And they'll be so just long enough for the Republicans to sweep back to power on a platform of "Look at what happens when you put Democrats in charge: the most corrupt Congress ever!", using the media's massive excoriation of the Democrats as evidence.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

My point is this. More damage was done to me in my teens by psychiatrists than I ever had a chance to do to my self. Adolesence sucks. The Boomer attitude to children not behaving nicely enough has been a dismal failure, and has distorted the expectations for the generation of parents after them. Medicating kids as a first option may make them sit still for a while, but the kids won't learn how to self-regulate, they'll just learn to take drugs to be the person they're expected to be.
My school never considered any sort of testing for any learning disabilities despite spending years on the verge of failing. I suspect it was because I was already classified as gifted and they would rather have believed I was lazy than reclassify me in a less prestigious way.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006



JUNE 12, 2006. My two recent workshops, MIND CONTROL, MIND FREEDOM, and THE TRANSFORMATIONS, presented very specific exercises for manifesting what you want in life. These workshops attracted electric response. You can still order them on CD or mp3 by clicking on the links above.

During my 45 years as a painter, I’ve met many other artists who are fiercely protective of their work. They paint and sculpt exactly what they want to, and they make no compromises. They recognize that, in many ways, the world around them is trying to make them compromise, and they resist that.

They believe they are unique, and they have no intention of diluting that quality.

I have nothing but admiration for this attitude.

However, I’ve noticed one thing. These artists rarely if ever MANIFEST what is unique about themselves and their work. Let me explain what I mean.

In keeping their uniqueness intensely private, they don’t create it with power. They don’t launch it into the world. The result? Their work retains its stunning quality, but it doesn’t leave the house or the studio.

And of course this situation doesn’t just apply to artists.

Part of what makes each person unique is the nature and form of his/her deep desires. While many people, for example, desire money, when you take a closer look at this, you find that in every case the shape and color and shading of that desire is different and unique to each individual.

We are not robots programmed to want the same thing in the same way. And no matter how many profiles and categories are invented to convince us that we are all the same, it’s a lie. A grand lie.

Now, it’s true that once you launch an idea out into the world, you can run into situations where there is a temptation to change it so that more people will get interested in it.

In many cases, this doesn’t matter at all, because the idea isn’t that important to you. But when you are manifesting a deep desire…then you want what you want. You don’t want something else.

At this point, many people retreat. They decide to keep that deep desire to themselves, rather than sully it.

For years and years, they keep that desire buried. And gradually it becomes stagnant. It can even disappear from view altogether. So we get a status quo in which many people are living their lives with their deepest desires hidden, unrealized.

Here is where the basic principles of manifestation come into play. In article after article, I’ve pointed out that you want to be able to manifest WITH POWER. The exercises I teach in my workshops are all about that.

Why power? Because the more power and energy you use in manifesting a desire that is very important to you, the more you will succeed in getting that desire fulfilled. And you will keep the shape and color and shading and essence of the desire intact. It will be whole. It will stay whole.

I know this issue of power is sensitive for many people. They have been taught that ALL power is bad and wrong. Another fantastic lie. Life is all about manifesting WITH POWER.


When you reverse that trend, when individuals successfully manifest their deep desires, the appearance changes radically. Then you really see that every individual IS unique.

Do you want to wait until everybody else starts manifesting his/her desires, before you manifest yours? Are you obligated to wait? Of course not. That would be crazy.

In every trend, there is a leading edge. The trend called manifestation is beyond any fashion or fad. It’s as real as it gets. Why not begin? Why not decide that what you deeply desire is the place to start? Why not move into THE GREAT ADVENTURE?

JON RAPPOPORT www.nomorefakenews.com


JULY 11, 2006. My two recent workshops, MIND CONTROL, MIND FREEDOM, and THE TRANSFORMATIONS, presented a series of specific exercises for manifesting what you want in your life. These workshops attracted huge attention from people all over the world. You can still order them on CD or mp3 downloads by clicking on the links above.

A workshop attendee, who works in the area of Italian historical research, wrote me the following note:

“…I’ve been doing your exercises every day for the past month. When you presented them in your workshops, I made notes on exactly how they are done. They seemed quite unusual to me. I hadn’t encountered anything like them before. In the past, I have tried various forms of meditation, visualization, and affirmation to manifest what I want. Your exercises are very different.

“After a week or so [of doing the exercises], I began to feel a sense of familiarity. I was reminded of something. Certain phrases from poems came to mind [while I was doing the exercises]. I don’t know why. But when one of these phrases sprang up, I experienced a great surge of energy.

“I felt what could be called poetic space. In this space, I had a great deal of power to create. My energy was flowing like a mountain river.

“The effects on my health have been excellent. I sleep better. I don’t feel fatigue during the day. I can do my work faster.

“Last week, while I was working on one of the exercises, a famous stanza from William Blake came into my mind: ‘To see a World in a Grain of Sand/And Heaven in a Wild Flower/Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand/ And Eternity in an hour.’

“At that instant, I experienced another plane of life. I entered another plane of pure energy. I was ‘drinking from the cup of immortality.’ Tears of great happiness came into my eyes. I found some part of myself that was beyond this space and time.

“It was like a dream I once had where I rose out of my house and stood in the sky above the roof. But this time, I was wide awake, and I was in a field near my city. In the days following this experience, I have been doing my work with magical efficiency. I know what volume, what paper to go to. I don’t have to search for the kernel of information I need. It almost comes to me. The library where I do some of my research is like one large open book. It’s as if I have read the whole book before many times, and I know exactly where everything is.

“All this came about because, in the exercises, I was manifesting doing my work faster and better.

“In my apartment building, I am getting to know people who have been strangers to me for years. It is very natural. A very important key in a door has been opened in my soul…”

JON RAPPOPORT www.nomorefakenews.com

Friday, June 16, 2006

Can you share some of your favorite sources of inspiration and ideas? (e.g. certain blogs/books/magazines)

Never bothered reading books, magazines Just started reading blogs lately outside the dating world. For the most part I treated it as a video game, and defeat isn't an option you just find some way to win.
To many people assume an "original idea" is just something that looks visually different then others. I created the first real free dating and the first one that actually worked. Just like Google created the first real search engine that worked. There is no such thing as a secret. When I came home from work I sat down and I forced myself to code for a hour or 2. The enemy was thinking, whenever I paused or started to think I would force myself to type something, its amazing how much you can get done when you just type. There are only 1000 or so sites in the world with massive traffic, and of those mine is the only one that is run by a single person. It's not possible for thousands of people to be as successful as me. For being successful in building sites you need to give something to the surfer faster or better or both. If you want to do pay per click, you just need to be good at picking words to bid on. For that business its just a matter of repetition and fighting boredom. At the end of the day you just need to sit down and DO it. Most people don't.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Mike Burke demands that Peter Wesley-Smith, whom Burke accuses of intolerance and labels a “d*ckhead” – mmm, how tolerant and clever – state “his views on just how a realistic morality-based foreign policy could be conducted by Australia in the real world”. Dear, oh dear. I know that some of us, for instance those who were told by the good Sisters and Brothers all through school to have no worries because our Lord would take care of everything, may find it difficult when they're grown up to have to think for themselves. So this is my advice for those who, like Burke, obviously haven't got a clue about where to start: don't bother mate. Just gawp at the Socceroos instead. Bleat with all the other sheep while you stare cross-eyed at the idiot box. When you've come out of your stupor who knows? Others may well have done the hard yards for you, saving you once again the need to make your head hurt.