Wednesday, May 17, 2006

You say this as if these women have a choice in the matter. They clearly don't. Of course women are brainwashed to buy into the system into which they are born, this is true of all societies in all parts of the world. Some women, in the spirit of game theory, do despicable things to other women in order to better their condition within a flawed system but that does not mean that they are at fault for the creation of the system in the first place. A woman didn't come up with repressing women, that was dreamed up and implemented by men who continue to enforce the system with great violence.

A woman in isolation cannot overthrow this system so what sense is there in individual women conducting individual acts of defiance? What good will it do for a woman in Peshwar to go around public along and unveiled? The only result is a woman who's been subjected to violence and a system that remains unchanged. Thus, as women are kept in perpetual isolation, the only actions which make sense for her are actions that go along with or reenforce that system.


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