Saturday, February 25, 2006

* Amendment III-- it's my house, not yours. You're not allowed to live here unless I say so. Even if there's a war on, you better have a good list of the whys and wherefores before showing up with your luggage.
* Amendment IV-- if you don't have some awfully good proof that I'm up to no good, you've got no business showing up at my house to snoop around. My privacy trumps your curiosity.
* Amendment V-- whether you've got a good case that I did something wrong or don't have one, my right to privacy trumps your interest in compelling me to tell you what I'm up to. Fuck you, if you can't prove it without my say so. My counsel is my own to keep.
* Amendment X-- If we didn't give you (the government) the express authority to violate our privacy, we retain that right. So piss off.


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